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Professional Development

Professional Development

Learning Beyond Paper’s professional development opportunities are based on best practices in early learning. The mission of Learning Beyond is to build capacity in every teacher, which in turn will provide high quality early learning opportunities for each child. For children to reach their fullest potential, they must be supported by teachers that have the skill set and tools necessary to meet the needs of every child in their care. Training professional development offered by Learning Beyond Paper will build capacity in each teacher and will help increase quality through addressing criteria in Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. All topics are aligned with CLASS®, FELDS and available in Spanish. The outcomes of the curriculum align with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) and state early care and education standards. Each course meets the rigorous criteria of IACETaccreditation. Outcomes for each course will be measured through pre/post assessments to determine participant learning gains. Each Course lasts 1 hour, and participants can earn in-service certificates. If you are interested in learning more about the pricing packages of these courses, please email

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